We're different, unique, and even unusual! See how...
Duke Belly Rubs
Foster Based
We are a foster home dog rescue, so dogs live in a home as a loved pet without the potential of stress from a shelter environment. This also gives us the chance to get to know the dogs really well, so we can tell you all about them and how they will behave in your home.
Mongo Loves Sun
It's easy to meet your next best friend at a Happy Bark social gathering. Keep an eye our Events Calendar to find where we will be next. Foster homes bring foster dogs and can tell you all about them. Grab a drink and a bite to eat, while you're at it!
Milo and Dan
All Volunteers
Happy Bark is 100% volunteer-based. Everyone involved has a deep passion for dog rescue, but does not accept compensation. This is difficult, but worth the hard work. All donations go directly to the care of dogs in Happy Bark foster homes.
A different kind of dog rescue | Happy Bark